Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fox News Addresses the Increased Death of Eagles due to Wind Turbines

           This post is a response to a group of Fox News correspondents talking about the increased death toll of eagles due to wind turbines. The group criticized the killing of eagles for wind energy and encouraged the use of natural gas and nuclear energy. They also criticized environmentalists for being "selective" in what they advocated for. For instance they discredited groups for hating on oil and gas companies for destroying the environment, but excuse wind energy companies. The correspondents for Fox News also bashed climate change as a result of humans because there was a study that showed that the temperature was going to stay consistent for the next thirty years, even with the increase in CO2 emissions.
What?? What is this??? Look it's graphs and actual FACTS!!!!! I know Fox News people, it's crazy but facts and data actually exists!!

           Now let's talk about this data, because obviously you guys are unfamiliar with reading graphs. So that first graph is say that buildings and windows are the number one cause of deaths to birds, along with cats. Even power lines kill more birds than wind turbines! I don't mean to sound heartless towards the birds killed, I'm a big advocate for biodiversity and the safety of animals, but wind turbines aren't the biggest problem here. I think the solution to this is by prohibiting wind turbine companies from building wind farms in the path of birds migratory path.
          As for CO2 emissions not causing climate change and climate change not existing, let's get real here. The Green House Effect is necessary for human life, but recently humans have been contributing to the layer in the atmosphere that traps radiation from escaping. Therefore more heat is being trapped and warming the planet. If you want to believe it's a hoax you can join the guy I met on the subway a couple weeks ago and live in a world of lies, or you can join reality and accept the fact that the earth is getting warmer at unprecedented rate due to the emissions of humans.

        Lastly, there is some hope about Democrats and Republicans getting along because new evidence is coming out that makes nuclear seem like a safe and sustainable bet. (The trailer to the new documentary about it.)

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