Sunday, March 23, 2014

68 for '16 Chris Christie fist pumping

Pat Toomey: 

This guy is still doing his thing, being a Senator to Pennsylvania (refer to earlier post for more information).

Chris Christie:

Party Affiliation: Republican
Political Ideology: The louder person who can shout over another person should get what they want.
Informal/Formal Qualifications: Christie is the governor of New Jersey. Before he was governor he worked in a law firm and worked his way up to becoming a partner of the law firm. After he worked as a lawyer, but before he was governor he was a legislator for Morris County and then a United States Attorney for New Jersey.
Assets/Liabilities: Christie has had a lot of media attention, sometimes in a beneficial way and sometimes not. His temperament when portrayed on the media is usually hot tempered and rash. He usually talks over reporters, along with the citizens who ask him questions (see video below). In the past he has campaigned for both Bush Jr. and Bush Sn., this could help him if the majority of people liked those presidents, however they don't and therefore this relationship is seen as a liability.
Electability: Christie has been in the media in good and bad light. When Sandy came through the shore last year Christie received a positive light from the media for looking out for his state and getting help. He was able to cross party lines and work with Obama in order to come up with aid. This could also been seen as a little hypocritical because he also thinks Congress should cut programs for people who need assistance. With the whole bridge scandal, regardless of whether or not he knew about it, he doesn't have the squeaky clean track record he needs in order to run for president.

Who I'd vote for: Probably neither. I don't think Christie has the experience nor temperament to be an effective foreign leader. He can easily be angered and cannot control his temper under stressful situation, rather he gets mad and irrational. It is extremely important that the president be able to effectively communicate with other countries so that the U.S. has a good relationship with them. A president cannot be rash and upsetting everyone around he or she, just because he or she is upset. Although Christie's personality might be able to get more stuff done internally, and whip Congress into shape, he just can't handle foreign affairs. That being said I agree with very few of Toomey's objectives and therefore he too is not my choice for president.

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