Monday, March 3, 2014

A Reflection on Immigration

           In preparation for the guest speaker coming on International day, I did some research about a current immigration bill along with a reflection on my own opinions on immigration. I used this nytimes article to learn about an immigration bill created by 4 democrats and 4 republicans. This bill will provide a 13 year path to citizenry for illegal immigrants in the United States. To offset Republican backlash for making it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens, the bill also offers an increase in funding for boarder patrol. A new segment of the bill also includes merit based citizenship. This segment splits the number of new immigrants between people with family ties and people with advanced education.
            I think this bill is a step in the right direction, but I don't see how it will address the root causes of illegal immigration and the lack of rights they posses. I had a teacher who describes the boarder between the U.S. and Mexico as a house next to a house on fire. My teacher's opinion was that the U.S. should put out the fire out next door and this would solve the illegal immigration crisis in the U.S. I agree on some level that the U.S. has a responsibility to help out other countries, plus helping to decrease crime and disempower drug lords would also benefit the U.S. I think the U.S. also has the responsibility to help those who have immigrated due to conflict in their home countries.
         One injustice I have heard about concerning immigration is the deportation of illegal immigrants. In some cases immigrants are put in jail for minor offenses and deported, without any word to their families. This is unacceptable because people who have made the journey to the U.S. and have created a life here should not be treated this way. Deportees are sent back to a country in disorder which they haven't been to in years and expected to settle down in a new place and adjust all over again.
          The political cartoons below show the paradox that illegal immigrants encompass in the U.S. On the one hand illegal immigrants provide cheap labor and make products cheaper, on the other hand they may be receiving certain services paid for by tax-paying citizens.

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