Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The next Installment of 68 for '16

It's the Regional Semifinals, so naturally it's a very intense time! The first match-up is Biden vs. Gillibrand (two awesome people, each of whom I love in their own unique ways) and Bloomberg vs. Christie. A special shout-out to Elizabeth Bixler's blog for informing me on the qualifications of the candidates not researched in my previous posts.

Biden vs. Gillibrand
Check out these cool kids!!! How will I choose?!?!

       Well, this is a toughie. I don't think a president's personality should play into whether or not I vote for them. Regardless of whether or not I like the president's personality, I want them to run the country well. In the case of Biden vs. Gillibrand, I agree with both of their liberal policies, and therefore shall revert more to their personalities. Although i will note that I appreciate the fact that Gillibrand has taken a stance against rape in the military, while Biden has not made these views as clear. From my observations Biden, even though he was a Senator for more then 30 years, has been unable to sway Congress into agreement with President Obama. I believe that Biden's association with Obama could hurt him as a president because with a familiar face they were working against before, they might not make any new attempts to work with him. I think there is a higher likelihood, because Gillibrand would be new to the presidency, for he to make some progress with Congress. Since she's never been in the White House before, the split Congress might be more willing to work with her and compromise. It is vital to have a functioning and productive Congress because they influence what sort of legislation is passed. I would vote for Gillibrand because I think her experience in both Houses would provide her with some leverage to get stuff done.

Bloomberg vs. Christie

If these two candidates' animal spirits were running straight at me from both sides I would be extremely scared...

          I'm not a fan of the foreign experience either of these candidates have. I don't think either of them could be exemplary as president because they both lack experience working with Congress and the scale at which the U.S. runs. I would rather vote though, then abstain for this particular mash up because I am more aligned with Bloomberg's ideologies then I am with Christie's. Bloomberg is pro-same sex marriage and other liberal stances which I support. Christie, on the other hand, is a stark conservative. Christie was able to reach across the aisle to work with Obama, which shows he can work with the other party when he tries, but I'm still not a fan of his temperament. Bloomberg has shown , in some ways, that he can reach across the aisle because he has been part of three different parties! I'm suspicious of his motivations to change parties so frequently, but this could be helpful when dealing with a divided Congress.

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