Sunday, March 23, 2014

Next Bracket 68 for '16 this time with Andrew Cuomo

Kirsten Gillibrand

My hommie G, Gillibrand is still in the running! She is still awesome and taking care of business.

Andrew Cuomo

Party Affiliation: Democratic
Political Ideology: Performance, Integrity, Pride. He wants to protect the taxpayers and restore trust in the government. He also believes in LGBT and women's rights.
Informal/Formal Qualifications: Cuomo has been the governor of New York since 2010. Before this he served for 4 years as the Attorney General for New York. In 1997 Clinton himself appointed Cuomo to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Assets/Liabilities: He has brought reform to the student loan industry. He has also epically battled Wall Street by leading many investigations. His father, Mario Cuomo, used to be governor of New York. He has had a divorce, this could be seen as an asset or a liability. Some will question his judgement for getting a divorce, some will relate to him, and some will not care at all.
Electability: Over the years Cuomo has made some impressive connections. His relationship with Clinton could definitely give him an edge during the election, or Clinton would disregard these ties if his wife was running. Cuomo also has a sort of legacy in office with his father. He could use the friendships and alliances his father has formed to fundraise and get endorsements. His brother, Chris Cuomo, is a relatively famous news anchor which would help with his media image.

Who I'd vote for: I'd vote for Kirsten, she is the! She's got the experience in the White House a president really needs in order to get anything done. She is willing to compromise and reach across party lines, and has a record that proves she's capable of doing this. Cuomo is aight. He gets stuff done in New York, but I'm not sure if he could handle the scope of presidency.

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