Tuesday, March 18, 2014

68 for '16 More Candidates!

Kirsten Gillibrand (5) 

Party Affiliation: Democratic
Political Ideology: She strives for an open and honest government. She wanted her administration to be transparent and her post accessible. She has supported gay rights by fighting to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell". Her priority is to rebuild the American economy.
Informal/Formal Qualifications: She was sworn into her Senator seat for New York in January 2009. Before she was a member of the Senate, she was a Representative for New York's 20th district. She was named one of "1500 Women Who Shake the World" by Newsweek/The Daily Beast. She has sat on several committees including the Agriculture, Armed Services and Aging Committee. Before she joined Congress she was an attorney and served as Special Counsel to United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Clinton Administration.
Assets/Liabilities: She keeps to her word, following through with her wish to be transparent, she was the first to post her official public schedule and personal financial disclosure, and federal earmark requests online. She was also the first to publish her personal tax returns, showing she has nothing to hide. She pushed for the STOCK Act that banned insider trading by members of Congress.
Electability: Medium. Gillirand has experience and has worked her way up through Congress. Her strives in Congress with certain legislature, as well as her affiliation to the Clinton Administration are helpful. She might not have the financial backing or media recognition to gain presidency. 

Cory Booker (12)

Party Affiliation: Democrat
Political Ideology: Booker strives to decrease violence, returning business to Newark, and increasing its tax base as well as improving education.
Informal/Formal Qualifications: Booker has led legal clinics in New Haven, CT. Afterwards he became  mayor of Newark, NG in 2006. He went to Stanford, Oxford and Yale.
Assets/Liabilities: Apparently he turned Newark from an ish show to "its biggest period of economic growth since the 1960s", so a big deal. 
Electability: Medium-high. On Booker's website there are three main tabs at the bottom of the page that don't go way (volunteer, shop, contribute), this shows his goal of raising money and volunteers to help with campaigning. He also has a certain level of handsomeness that might sway some.

Who I'd go for:

Kirsten Gillibrand rocks the socks off my feet! I kind of started off annoyed with Cory Booker, because just by judging by his website one of his main focuses seems to be on fundraising. I get that he's done a lot of great stuff for Newark, and he's gotten rid of a lot of New Jersey corruption, but I don't see him as president. Kirsten Gillibrand was uber sweet in the video above and seems like she'd kick ass. Her website wasn't obnoxious and pushy for funding. She wants women to be proportionately represented in Congress. She wants to make the voices of those who have been raped in the military heard, and push through legislation that will prevent this egregious act in the future.

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